terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013

Alestorm - Shipwrecked

Yarrr Harrr, Landlubers!

I'ts time to shake your dirty butts!!! Put your limbs in movement or else I'll rip them off and feed the sharks! 

Enjoy the song, bastards!

domingo, 26 de maio de 2013

Famous Pirates #1

Yarrr Harr, landlubbers!!

Today I'm starting this new session for ye to know the most famous pirates (and, consequently, the pirate's Gods) in world's history!!

From now on you'll know for whom you must pray while your ship's being atacked, you bastards!!!!

Captain Morgan

Despite being one of the best known pirates in the history of pirates, Captain Morgan’s status as a pirate is still unknown. Different accounts refer to him as a pirate, privateer or buccaneer at different places. He is most famous for his attacks on Spanish ships and plundering of towns including the likes of Puerto Principe, a Spanish town that had to be completely rebuilt after Morgan and his men were done with it.

terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013

Pirate Flags

Yarrr Harrr, landlubbers!

How's yer day onboard going? Are your buckets full of vomit yet, little maidens?

If you're thinking about having your own ship, there are some flags to inspire you to create your own flag!

So, take some thread, some needles, some fabric and go to work, you bastards!

quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2013

Pirate Song

Yarrr Harr, landlubbers!!!

I'll share with yer an Alestorm's song, called Pirate Song, which tells the story of a former wolf of the sea.

Take you bottle of rum and enjoy the song, you bastards!


Though you see me now, the mere ghost of a man,
I once had the heart of a lion.
Commanding my ship, between many a shore,
The ol' Jolly Roger a-flyin'.
Mine was a name that put fear into men,
And regret into plenty o' lasses.
Lo, how I wish I could take back those days,
As I stare at these empty beer glasses.

I think of the times past when I had it all,
I toyed with men's wives and their daughters.
And in my pursuit of this ill-gotten wealth,
I stabbed and I slashed and I slaughtered.

And for what? (HEY! )
The men that I've fought,
Are matched by the number of women I've bought.

And for what? (HEY! )
I've killed and I've shot,
And reddened the cold tears of children with blood.

And if I could go back and make my amends,
I'd make all those mistakes again.
And kill every last one of those bastards, my friend!

My ship was the last sight that many would see,
As we narrowed the gap with our quarry.
Sound of the cannons and splintering wood,
Did herald our pass into glory.
We seized all the bounty and scuppered the ship,
Our hearts hadn't time for no wounded.
I took my share and the crew got the rest,
And on into port we did bound it.
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsty.com/alestorm-pirate-song-lyrics.html ]
Life has many pleasures and we had our fill,
Of food and of wenches and beer.
When we tired of the port or had drunken it dry,
The time to set sail had come near.

And for what? (HEY! )
We heed no law,
The other man suffers so we can have more.

And for what? (HEY! )
We lived every day,
The noose of the hangman a hairsbreadth away.

And if I could go back and make my amends,
I'd make all those mistakes again.
And kill every last one of those bastards, my friend!

Oh, I have seen wonders you never have dreamed,
And taken my fair share I must say.
Holds full of booty I happily seized,
From crews who would not see a new day.
Spanish gold came and went, and gemstones were sold,
And I knew more lay on the horizon.
Yet the beer was too good, and gals were too sweet,
And now in my old age, it's gone.

These memories were bought with the lives of good men,
A price that I paid without scruple.
So many so suffered so I could get drunk,
And swagger from brothel to brothel.

Now for what? (HEY! )
It's been many years,
The screams of the vanquished still ring in my ears.

But for what? (HEY! )
I've blood on my hands,
I wait for my place in the halls of the damned.

And if I could go back and make my amends,
I'd make all those mistakes again.

segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2013

Pirate's food

Alestorm - Keelhauled

Being a pirate is allright to me!


Do what you want, 'cause a pirate is free, YOU ARE A PIRATE! 
Yar har, fiddle dee dee, Being a pirate is alright to be, 
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate!
You are a pirate!
We've got us a map,

To lead us to a hidden box, 
That's all locked up with locks!
And buried deep away!
We'll dig up the box,

We know it's full of precious booty! 
Burst open the locks!
And then we'll say hooray!
Yar, har, fiddle di dee. If you love to sail the sea, You are a pirate!
Weigh anchor!
Yar har, fiddle di dee, Being a pirate is alright with me! 

Do what you want ''cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate!  
Arr yarr, ahoy and avast, dinky-dink-dink-a-dinkadefast! Hang the black flag
At the end of the mast! You are a pirate!
We're sailing away,

Adventure awaits on every shore!
We set sail and explore
And run and jump all day
We float on our boat
Until its time to drop the anchor, Then hang up our coats 
Until we sail again!
Yar, har, fiddle di dee. If you love to sail the sea, You are a pirate!
Laaaand ho!
Yar har, fiddle di dee, Being a pirate is alright with me!

Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate!  
Yar har, wind at your back, lads, Wherever you go! 
Blue sky above and blue ocean below, You are a pirate! 
Hahahahahaha! You're a pirate!